Snakes don’t often cross most people's minds until they are surprised by the sight of one. The good news is that most snakes are non-venomous, and only a handful of people die from venomous snake bites every year in the U.S. Rattlesnakes have the most potent venom and cause the majority of the deaths.
If you do happen to spot a snake in your house or on your property, remember that the capture of snakes is not something for the average person. Wildlife Professionals have been trained in the quick identification of snakes. Unless you are a Wildlife Professional, treat all snake species as being venomous. Keep your distance and call a wildlife professional to handle the snake in your basement or garden.
A All Animal Control of Southwest, Louisiana is your local wildlife pest control proudly serving De Ridder, Merryville, Carlyss, DeQuincy, Iowa, Lake Charles, Moss Bluff, Prien, Sulphur, Vinton, Westlake, Cameron, Hackberry, Oak Grove, Elton, Fenton, Jennings, Lake Arthur, Welsh and Beauregard, Calcasieu, Jefferson Davis and Cameron Parishes of Louisiana.
Don’t panic! Call your Snake Control and Removal Expert at (337) 287-4447.